Finding Love, the Old-Fashioned Way

Some differentiate dating as “fun and casual” while courting is “serious” with an eye toward marriage. For others, courting is entirely old school and not at all to be taken seriously. When done effectively, courting is an excellent way to improve the chance of finding a highly suitable romantic match. Here are 5 points that foster effective courting.

The Hidden Danger of Trying to Get Along With Everyone

Unhappy relationships have a deeply hurtful impact on the self-image and self-esteem of women. New research is showing that relationship quality not only impacts psychological wellbeing but, even more astounding, the mortality of women. Here are 5 strategies to not only play to win hearts in your relationships but also for your own long-term physical and mental health.

The Hidden Danger of Trying to Get Along With Everyone

Unhappy relationships have a deeply hurtful impact on the self-image and self-esteem of women. New research is showing that relationship quality not only impacts psychological wellbeing but, even more astounding, the mortality of women. Here are 5 strategies to not only play to win hearts in your relationships but also for your own long-term physical and mental health.

It’s Time for a Relationship Audit

Are you continually disappointed in your relationships? Are you considering divorce? Are you divorced or breaking up? Have you never had the kind of romantic relationship that deeply fulfills you? Consider conducting a relationship audit.

It’s Time for a Relationship Audit

Are you continually disappointed in your relationships? Are you considering divorce? Are you divorced or breaking up? Have you never had the kind of romantic relationship that deeply fulfills you? Consider conducting a relationship audit.

Stop the Drama Queen Cycle

The next time you call yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your best friend a drama queen—pause, reflect. Ask yourself if you are avoiding your own feelings by not taking those of others seriously. The more you help those you love most to discover and understand their emotions the more closely you will follow your own.

Stop the Drama Queen Cycle

The next time you call yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your best friend a drama queen—pause, reflect. Ask yourself if you are avoiding your own feelings by not taking those of others seriously. The more you help those you love most to discover and understand their emotions the more closely you will follow your own.

In Effect, Telling Girls Men Are Feral

Girls are socialized to be ‘good girls’ when it comes to sex and are taught that they need to be sexual gatekeepers. At the same time, the culture at large trains girls to believe that their value lies in being sexually desirable. Alcohol offers adolescent girls a way out of reconciling the irreconcilable.

In Effect, Telling Girls Men Are Feral

Girls are socialized to be ‘good girls’ when it comes to sex and are taught that they need to be sexual gatekeepers. At the same time, the culture at large trains girls to believe that their value lies in being sexually desirable. Alcohol offers adolescent girls a way out of reconciling the irreconcilable.

Bad Boys and Girls Who Want to Please

Parents agonize over how to help their children so they will be optimally socialized for academic and professional success. What gains far less attention, perhaps because it is a more intangible and abstract concept, is raising children for success in relationships. Here are 5 ways to improve your child’s chances of having healthy, well adjusted relationships in adulthood.