Do You Connect Through Anger?

Do you find yourself attacking your partner or friends and then later regretting it? Do you find it easier to communicate your true feelings and opinions when you are angry? Anger is an ‘easy’ emotion—felt so intensely that words and actions flow instantaneously and without conscious reflection.

Is What “He” Thinks of You Really That Important?

Overly fearing rejection can cause a person to act in a manner designed to achieve acceptance at any cost—even if the one she wants acceptance from is thoroughly inadequate. When someone you are interested in is not pursuing you, asking yourself what you are doing wrong is an ineffective strategy. Instead, consider these assessment questions.

Is What “He” Thinks of You Really That Important?

Overly fearing rejection can cause a person to act in a manner designed to achieve acceptance at any cost—even if the one she wants acceptance from is thoroughly inadequate. When someone you are interested in is not pursuing you, asking yourself what you are doing wrong is an ineffective strategy. Instead, consider these assessment questions.